
Hello, I am Sanjay Desai. I am obsessed with small details in Books and Movies, that's why I have started this blog. I watch movies very carefully and observe so many things & I really enjoy it while doing. Before some years when I used to tell these things to people, e.g. particular character was reading that book in that movie or particular movie was shown in that movie, most of the people used to laugh at me, so I used to feel bad. Then I became active on Twitter. I met some people there who are interested in small kind of details, they appreciated things I observed, so it gave me confidence. So here I am, so I can put this kind of things. Here you will find collection of Movies in Movies ; Books in Books ; Movies in Books and some other small observations.

I am so thankful to Shruti, who gave me idea for Books in Books.

I am very thankful to Abhisek, who himself operates accounts for Books in Movies (Check here- Twitter & Instagram) & Movies in Movies (Check here- Twitter & Instagram)

I am very much thankful to Vaishnavi

And above all, I am so thankful to Pankaj, who observes all kind of trivia, so I am dedicating this blog to him. 
